Natural Stat Trick
Oilers   1
Panthers   2
FLA Wins 4 - 3


Team Filters

  • From - Choose your starting season to view statistics for, going back to 2007-08.
  • Thru - Choose your end season to view statistics for, up to 3 seasons for everyone, 4 season for Patreon "Subscriber" tier supporters, and 5 seasons for Patreon "Early Access" tier supporters.
  • Season type - Pre-season (starting in 2010-11), Regular Season or Playoffs.
  • Game State
    • All Situations - All play during regulation and overtime, not including the shootout.
    • Even Strength - Play where both teams have the same number of players (including goalies) on the ice. Includes 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, as well as when teams have pulled the goalie to turn 5v5 into 6v5, 4v4 into 5v4 or 3v3 into 4v3.
    • 5v5 - Play where both teams have five skaters and a goalie on the ice.
    • 5v5 Score & Venue Adjusted - Play where both teams have five skaters and a goalie on the ice, with the event counts adjusted for home ice advantage and leading or trailing score effects. This is done using the method created by Micah Blake McCurdy.
    • Power Play - Play where the team has more players on the ice than their opponent due to penalties. Includes 5v4, 5v3, 4v3, as well as when teams have pulled the goalie to turn 5v4 into 6v4 or 5v5, 5v3 into 6v3 or 5v4, and 4v3 into 5v3 or 4v4.
    • 5 on 4 PP - Play where the team has five skaters and a goalie on the ice versus four skaters and a goalie their opponent due to penalties.
    • Penalty Kill - Play where the team has fewer players on the ice than their opponent due to penalties. Includes 4v5, 3v4, 3v5, as well as when teams have pulled the goalie to turn 4v5 into 5v5 or 4v6, 3v4 into 4v4 or 3v5, and 3v5 into 4v5 or 3v6.
    • 4 on 5 PK - Play where the team has four skaters and a goalie on the ice versus five skaters and a goalie their opponent due to penalties.
  • Score State
    • All Scores - All scores, start to finish.
    • Tied - Any time the game is tied.
    • Within 1 - Play when the game is tied, or within a goal of being tied.
    • Leading - Play when the team is in the lead by any number of goals.
    • Up 1 - Play when the team is in the lead by exactly one goal.
    • Trailing - Play when the team is behind by any number of goals.
    • Down 1 - Play when the team is behind by exactly one goal.
  • Counts - For and against statistics are presented as total counts.
  • Rates - TOI is presented as TOI/GP. For and against statistics are presented as the counts per 60 minutes of play.
  • VS - Shows statistics by all teams against the selected team.
  • Venue
    • Home & Away - Includes both home and away games.
    • Home - Only show results from games where the team is listed as the home team.
    • Away - Only show results from games where the team is listed as the visiting team.
  • Game Range (Regular Season)
    • Full Season - Includes all games from the regular season.
    • Last 10 Games - Includes only the last 10 regular season games each team has played.
    • Last 25 Games - Includes only the last 25 regular season games each team has played.
    • Custom - Includes only the last number of regular season games of your choice that each team has played.
  • Game Range (Playoffs)
    • All Rounds - Includes all playoff games for the season.
    • First Round - Includes only games from the first round of the playoffs.
    • Second Round - Includes only games from the second round of the playoffs.
    • Third Round - Includes only games from the third round of the playoffs.
    • Stanley Cup Finals - Includes only games from the Stanley Cup Finals.
  • From - Only include games on or after the selected date.
  • Through - Only include games on or before the selected date.

Team Statistics

All team statistics are presented within the scope of the selected filters.
  • GP - Games played.
  • TOI - Total amount of time played.
  • W - Number of games won.
  • L - Number of games lost in regulation.
  • OTL - Number of games lost in overtime or the shootout.
  • ROW - Number of games won in regulation or overtime, but not the shootout.
  • Corsi - Any shot attempt (goals, shots on net, misses and blocks) outside of the shootout. Referred to as SAT by the NHL.
    • CF - Count of Corsi for that team.
    • CA - Count of Corsi against that team.
    • CF/60 - Rate of Corsi for that team per 60 minutes of play. CF*60/TOI
    • CA/60 - Rate of Corsi against that team per 60 minutes of play. CA*60/TOI
    • CF% - Percentage of total Corsi in games that team played that are for that team. CF*100/(CF+CA)
  • Fenwick - Any unblocked shot attempt (goals, shots on net and misses) outside of the shootout. Referred to as USAT by the NHL.
    • FF - Count of Fenwick for that team.
    • FA - Count of Fenwick against that team.
    • FF/60 - Rate of Fenwick for that team per 60 minutes of play. FF*60/TOI
    • FA/60 - Rate of Fenwick against that team per 60 minutes of play. FA*60/TOI
    • FF% - Percentage of total Fenwick in games that team played that are for that team. FF*100/(FF+FA)
  • Shots - Any shot attempt on net (goals and shots on net) outside of the shootout.
    • SF - Count of Shots for that team.
    • SA - Count of Shots against that team.
    • SF/60 - Rate of Shots for that team per 60 minutes of play. SF*60/TOI
    • SA/60 - Rate of Shots against that team per 60 minutes of play. SA*60/TOI
    • SF% - Percentage of total Shots in games that team played that are for that team. SF*100/(SF+SA)
  • Goals - Any goal, outside of the shootout.
    • GF - Count of Goals for that team.
    • GA - Count of Goals against that team.
    • GF/60 - Rate of Goals for that team per 60 minutes of play. GF*60/TOI
    • GA/60 - Rate of Goals against that team per 60 minutes of play. GA*60/TOI
    • GF% - Percentage of total Goals in games that team played that are for that team. GF*100/(GF+GA)
  • Scoring Chances - A scoring chance, as originally defined by War-on-Ice.

    Each shot attempt (Corsi) taken in the offensive zone is assigned a value based on the area of the zone in which it was recorded. Attempts made from the attacking team's neutral or defensive zones are excluded.

    Attempts from the yellow areas are assigned a value of 1, attempts from the red areas are assigned a value of 2, and attempts in the green area are assigned a value of 3.

    Add 1 to this value if the attempt is considered a rush shot or a rebound. A rebound is any attempt made within 3 seconds of another blocked, missed or saved attempt without a stoppage in play in between. A rush shot is any attempt within 4 seconds of any event in the neutral or defensive zone without a stoppage in play in between (originally defined by David Johnson on the now-offline Hockey Analysis, and modified to 4 seconds by War-on-Ice).

    Decrease this value by 1 if it was a blocked shot.

    Any attempt with a score of 2 or higher is considered a scoring chance.

    • SCF - Count of Scoring Chances for that team.
    • SCA - Count of Scoring Chances against that team.
    • SCF/60 - Rate of Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. SCF*60/TOI
    • SCA/60 - Rate of Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. SCA*60/TOI
    • SCF% - Percentage of total Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. SCF*100/(SCF+SCA)
  • Scoring Chance Shots - Any shot attempt on net (goals and shots on net) that qualifies as a Scoring Chance.
    • SCSF - Count of Shots that are scoring chances for that team.
    • SCSA - Count of Shots that are scoring chances against that team.
    • SCSF/60 - Rate of Shots that are scoring chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. SCSF*60/TOI
    • SCSA/60 - Rate of Shots that are scoring chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. SCSA*60/TOI
    • SCSF% - Percentage of total Shots that are scoring chances in games that team played that are for that team. SCSF*100/(SCSF+SCSA)
  • Scoring Chance Goals - Goals generated from scoring chances
    • SCGF - Count of Goals off of scoring chances for that team.
    • SCGA - Count of Goals off of scoring chances against that team.
    • SCGF/60 - Rate of Goals off of scoring chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. SCGF*60/TOI
    • SCGA/60 - Rate of Goals off of scoring chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. SCGA*60/TOI
    • SCGF% - Percentage of total Goals off of scoring chances in games that team played that are for that team. SCGF*100/(SCGF+SCGA)
    • SCSH% - Percentage of Scoring Chance Shots for that team that were Goals. SCGF*100/SCSF
    • SCSV% - Percentage of Scoring Chance Shots against that team that were not Goals. 100-(SCGA*100/SCSA)
  • High Danger Scoring Chances - A scoring chance with a score of 3 or higher.
    • HDCF - Count of High Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • HDCA - Count of High Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • HDCF/60 - Rate of High Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. HDCF*60/TOI
    • HDCA/60 - Rate of High Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. HDCA*60/TOI
    • HDCF% - Percentage of total High Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. HDCF*100/(HDCF+HDCA)
  • High Danger Shots - Any shot attempt on net (goals and shots on net) that qualifies as a High Danger Scoring Chance.
    • HDSF - Count of Shots that are High Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • HDSA - Count of Shots that are High Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • HDSF/60 - Rate of Shots that are High Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. HDSF*60/TOI
    • HDSA/60 - Rate of Shots that are High Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. HDSA*60/TOI
    • HDSF% - Percentage of total Shots that are High Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. HDSF*100/(HDSF+HDSA)
  • High Danger Goals - Goals generated from High Danger Scoring Chances
    • HDGF - Count of Goals off of High Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • HDGA - Count of Goals off of High Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • HDGF/60 - Rate of Goals off of High Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. HDGF*60/TOI
    • HDGA/60 - Rate of Goals off of High Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. HDGA*60/TOI
    • HDGF% - Percentage of total Goals off of High Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. HDGF*100/(HDGF+HDGA)
    • HDSH% - Percentage of High Danger Shots for that team that were Goals. HDGF*100/HDSF
    • HDSV% - Percentage of High Danger Shots against that team that were not Goals. 100-(HDGA*100/HDSA)
  • Medium Danger Scoring Chances - A scoring chance with a score of exactly 2.
    • MDCF - Count of Medium Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • MDCA - Count of Medium Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • MDCF/60 - Rate of Medium Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. MDCF*60/TOI
    • MDCA/60 - Rate of Medium Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. MDCA*60/TOI
    • MDCF% - Percentage of total Medium Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. MDCF*100/(MDCF+MDCA)
  • Medium Danger Shots - Any shot attempt on net (goals and shots on net) that qualifies as a Medium Danger Scoring Chance.
    • MDSF - Count of Shots that are Medium Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • MDSA - Count of Shots that are Medium Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • MDSF/60 - Rate of Shots that are Medium Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. MDSF*60/TOI
    • MDSA/60 - Rate of Shots that are Medium Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. MDSA*60/TOI
    • MDSF% - Percentage of total Shots that are Medium Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. MDSF*100/(MDSF+MDSA)
  • Medium Danger Goals - Goals generated from Medium Danger Scoring Chances
    • MDGF - Count of Goals off of Medium Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • MDGA - Count of Goals off of Medium Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • MDGF/60 - Rate of Goals off of Medium Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. MDGF*60/TOI
    • MDGA/60 - Rate of Goals off of Medium Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. MDGA*60/TOI
    • MDGF% - Percentage of total Goals off of Medium Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. MDGF*100/(MDGF+MDGA)
    • MDSH% - Percentage of Medium Danger Shots for that team that were Goals. MDGF*100/MDSF
    • MDSV% - Percentage of Medium Danger Shots against that team that were not Goals. 100-(MDGA*100/MDSA)
  • Low Danger Scoring Chances - A scoring chance with a score of 1 or less. Does not include any attempts from the attacking team's neutral or defensive zone.
    • LDCF - Count of Low Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • LDCA - Count of Low Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • LDCF/60 - Rate of Low Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. LDCF*60/TOI
    • LDCA/60 - Rate of Low Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. LDCA*60/TOI
    • LDCF% - Percentage of total Low Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. LDCF*100/(LDCF+LDCA)
  • Low Danger Shots - Any shot attempt on net (goals and shots on net) that qualifies as a Low Danger Scoring Chance.
    • LDSF - Count of Shots that are Low Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • LDSA - Count of Shots that are Low Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • LDSF/60 - Rate of Shots that are Low Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. LDSF*60/TOI
    • LDSA/60 - Rate of Shots that are Low Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. LDSA*60/TOI
    • LDSF% - Percentage of total Shots that are Low Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. LDSF*100/(LDSF+LDSA)
  • Low Danger Goals - Goals generated from Low Danger Scoring Chances
    • LDGF - Count of Goals off of Low Danger Scoring Chances for that team.
    • LDGA - Count of Goals off of Low Danger Scoring Chances against that team.
    • LDGF/60 - Rate of Goals off of Low Danger Scoring Chances for that team per 60 minutes of play. LDGF*60/TOI
    • LDGA/60 - Rate of Goals off of Low Danger Scoring Chances against that team per 60 minutes of play. LDGA*60/TOI
    • LDGF% - Percentage of total Goals off of Low Danger Scoring Chances in games that team played that are for that team. LDGF*100/(LDGF+LDGA)
    • LDSH% - Percentage of Low Danger Shots for that team that were Goals. LDGF*100/LDSF
    • LDSV% - Percentage of Low Danger Shots against that team that were not Goals. 100-(LDGA*100/LDSA)
  • PDO
    • SH% - Percentage of Shots for that team that were Goals. GF*100/SF
    • SV% - Percentage of Shots against that team that were not Goals. 100-(GA*100/SA)
    • PDO - Shooting percentage plus save percentage. (GF/SF)+(GA/SA)